Thursday 9 April 2015

Mango, Avocado and Beetroot Smoothie

Hey guys, it's been forever, I know and I'm sorry. I hope everyone is well and praying/thanking God for Nigeria. I really miss you, so today to compensate for my many days of absence, I'll be sharing a simple yet mouthwatering recipe from our favorite food blog. Just yesterday, I was scolding myself for getting lazy on the fruit consumption department. For some reason, everything just seems so hard to ingest the moment I get home at night. I was served watermelon, (probably my favorite fruit) last week and I couldn't take more than two pieces; that annoyed me BIG time. Anyway, so yesterday I was thinking, I have to do something about this.I need to be healthy you know, and because it's been a while I used the smoothie maker at home, I totally forgot about its existence. Then I started to rethink an easier way to get my nutrients up and bingo! Smoothies, hell yeah! So dear loved ones, if you are in the same boat as me or one similar, you may need to get your smoothie maker out again or make a budget for smoothies and get some from a hygienic spot around you. The beauty about doing it yourself is you can get really creative with the fruits and flavors. Anyway, you should try this one, I don't really like Beetroot but when it was all blended up this way, I couldn't get enough. Enjoy!

I enjoy making smoothies. They don't require much effort, just put your fruits and vegetables in a blender and you're good to go. I made this smoothie with mango, avocado and beetroot.
I decided to use a spoon to enjoy this smoothie because it came out quite thick. Increasing the amount of coconut water will give you a lighter smoothie, if you wish. Making a smoothie with your fruits and or vegetables keeps you full because of its fiber content. With this smoothie, you get the health benefits of mango, avocado, beetroot and coconut water. Really healthy!

1 big mango
1 avocado pear
2 small beetroots
1 cup coconut water
1/2 cup milk

This makes 3 servings

Wash and cut mango into small bits. Wash avocado and cut it up. Freeze the mango and avocado.
 Peel the skin of the beetroot, cut the beetroot into small pieces.
Put the beetroot pieces in the blender, add some coconut water and blend until almost smooth. Add mango, avocado, milk and the remaining coconut water. Blend until smooth. Serve.

If there's no time to freeze your fruits, you can blend them along with ice cubes so you have a chilled smoothie.
Ok guys, that's it. Try it out and let me know how it goes, yeah? Lots of love, always...

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