Friday 15 August 2014

How To Prepare Fondant Icing

Hey guys! What's up? Some of you may already know about my relationship with cakes; I'm a chocolate cake lover to the core. Real chocolate cake! My favorite icing type would be whip cream closely followed by butter cream, but for the purpose of beauty, I'll choose the fondant icing. The good part is that I can always roll it off my piece of cake, after it serves its purpose in front of the cameras. Today, I decided to share a homemade fondant recipe with some of my lovely cake peeps. As always, this is from our favorite food blog;

Fondant is a type of icing used in decorating cakes. It leaves a smooth perfect surface when used correctly. Having the right fondant recipe makes cake decorating so much easier, however having the right recipe alone is not just enough. As with every other thing in life, practice makes perfect. My first attempt at fondant was not so good (it was not so smooth, had some undissolved gelatin and many cracks), but it got better with practice.

I have tried many fondant recipes, but this is the one that works for me.

1/2 cup liquid glucose
2 tbs gelatin
1 tbs glycerin
2 tbs vegetable shortening
1/4 cup water
7 1/2 cups icing sugar, sifted
Flavour of your choice

Place water in a bowl, put in gelatin and keep for a few minutes. Put some water in an old frying pan and place on fire, place the bowl with the gelatin in the pan. Pour in glucose and glycerin, stir, do not allow to boil.
 Add vegetable shortening and flavour, and continue stirring. When the vegetable shortening is almost completely dissolved, remove from heat and allow to cool.

Place 5 cups of the sifted icing sugar in a bowl, make a well in the middle. Pour in the cooled gelatin mixture and begin to mix until the mixture begins binding together. You can use a wooden spoon or your hand.

 Add the remaining icing sugar a little at a time and knead. Knead until it is pliable and free of cracks. It can be used immediately or stored for future use. To store, wrap with a plastic bag and place in an airtight container. This icing can last for up to three months.

Fondant should always be covered when not in use as it dries easily.

When using stored fondant, microwaving it for about 30 seconds makes it easier to knead.

You've read it guys, try the recipe and let's know how it turns out.


  1. Nice one..... Heading to the market. I'll revert ASAP.... Winks

  2. Lol, alright then, we'll be waiting.

  3. Its time to prepare Fondant Icing for my next visitor............courtesy of Hira Data Blog................Thanks

    1. Lol, don't forget to make the cake first. You're very welcome :)

    2. What is vegetable shortening?

    3. It's basically fats gotten from processing vegetable oil. A common one around here is Crisco.

  4. this is wonderful madam. i like am well well...

  5. Lol, we're glad you like it. Thank you



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