Monday 24 November 2014

The Hour Glass Figure

Hey guys, how are you all doing? I've been up and about trying to make the world a better place just like superman. :D, Okay, maybe not like that but I've been up and about though, trying to make my world and a few others' a better place; we have to start small "na", it's a ripple effect. Guess what? I've been enjoying a generous amount of power supply from PHCN (that's still their name right?) for a week  now, I don't know if they're back for good but I'm enjoying this and pray it stays this way. Okay, to today's topic - for a while now, ladies have been increasingly obsessed with having the perfect hour glass figure. I'm afraid that this is as a result of subtle hypnosis by the media. The thing is, I have always connected a woman's sexiness with the "figure 8" shape. By always, I mean, since I knew how to think (since I was in the womb). I don't know why or how I got that idea, I don't know if I was made to believe that or I saw it and liked it on my own, (I have many elder sisters so I may have been hypnotized too). I do know though that till date I still find that sexy, in the right proportions of course. What I don't know is why recently, ladies have gotten so obsessed with the whole shape thing that they are ready to go to extreme measures to get it. I like it so I won't say it is rubbish though sometimes I feel it is not worth the risk people take, I will say that I hope you're doing it for YOU and it gives YOU joy. I will also say, that you should choose the healthy, probably more difficult and less risky way out - diet and exercises. Yes, there are exercises to help you get that shape and I'll be sharing some of them with you today. 

So, what's the hour glass shape exactly? A shape that looks like the hour glass or the number "8" simple :D. I'm sure you know it though. We have already discussed how to get the flat tummy and since I do not know how to naturally increase the chest region of the hour glass shape yet, today we'll be talking about how to get the curvy butt and hips. These regions are made up of muscles and like every other muscle, exercises charge them to increase in size. Let's focus on the hips a bit more. The hips are made up of a group of four muscles which are; Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus and Tensor Fascia Lata. These muscles are found around both sides of the butt region. These muscles can increase and curve right with the right exercises and diet. Also, it is good to note that a flat stomach makes the waist line look smaller and the hips region larger. You can check it yourself in front of the mirror; suck in your belly and you'll see a more "hour-glassy" shape. So you'd want to keep a good diet and exercise routine to maintain a flat stomach

  • Squats: We used to be asked to squat as punishment when I was much younger. If I had known this would increase my hips, I may have done this joyfully. Squats exert pressure on the butt and hips region, thereby forcing them to expand outward. Stand shoulder length apart, squat to knee or slightly below the knee level,(depending on your intensity level, do remember to start small though), pushing your body backwards, like you are sitting on your butt in the air, try to keep your back straight while doing this don't curve forward. Do this repeatedly, increasing rounds weekly. Suck in your belly while doing this,it also helps in giving you a flat belly. 

  • Side Lunges: Stand two feet apart with your toes slightly pointing outwards. Bend a knee sideways, while the other leg remains straight, keep going downwards till your thigh is parallel to the floor then use some hip power to lift your self back up. Repeat this on both sides for a couple of times (20/20 each is not bad) gradually increase your count. 

  • Side Lying Hip Abduction: Lay sideways (your entire body facing one side in a balanced position, avoid slightly hanging backwards) with your knees bent together to the side, place one elbow on the floor using the palm to hold your head. Leave the lower knee bent while you stretch out the other leg, foot pointing forward (towards the side you are facing) and lift your leg upwards slightly backwards to involve the butt muscles in the workout. Repeat for about 20 rounds on each side, increase as the weeks go by.

  • Yoga: Some yoga positions are said to help increase the hip region. Some of which are; Lizard, Frog, Pigeon poses. The poses look like the positions their animal names make but you can try a web search on them. Staying in these positions for a while will exert more pressure on the hips and butt muscles and cause them to stretch.

  • Dancing: Some dance steps help you get bigger hips. Dance steps like the belly dance help to reduce your waist line as well as increase your hip region.
That's it folks. These are a few effective exercises that will help you get that shape you want. Remember that you should be doing this because you want it for yourself. As with all exercises, let your physician know your routine and start with stretches before riding your way up. Dedication is key; you have to be consistent with the exercises, have a routine - say 3/4 times a week. All the best dearies, let us know how you're doing if you don't mind sharing your journey with us. If you have more suggestions or information, please don't hesitate to share with us below. 

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