Sunday 24 July 2016

The Little Things Count

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Hello world! How have you been? I've been away for too long and I won't even bother trying to give any excuse. Lord knows I've missed you and you're always on my mind and today I was determined to come here to tell you that and to share something, anything with you. Earlier at church today, this topic came to mind and I decided to share with my darlings; You.

This topic is a cliche which somehow doesn't sink in as much as it should in my opinion. " The little things count", what comes to mind when you hear this very common saying? I have a feeling we'll all have a million different responses. Okay, I'll share whatever view comes to mind today. The little things count like smiling, calling to say hello, really checking on someone, giving solid unselfish advice, calling to say happy birthday, actually listening to someone, saying please,sorry, thank you, truly appreciating someone that has been there for you  e.t.c. 

While in church today, I think the pastor said something I can't  remember now, but it made my mind travel to my aunt's hug. Yes, I have an aunt I rarely see or communicate with but whenever we all meet she gives the most soothing hugs. Just writing about it makes me want one. I'm not much of a "hugger", though I think I'm much better now; I give and take hugs quite often now I must confess - but naturally, I am not a lover of hugs per say but my aunt's hug is to die for! Ah, she will hug you so deep, tight yet warm and soothing and long enough to get you to give up, give in and relax into the hug and at that moment you realize how much you actually needed it. Her hug speaks what words won't say. It is very therapeutic and I always remember her for this.

It is in the same manner a sweet honest smile can make someone's day or an honest heartfelt compliment can lift up a person's spirit. You see, life is beautiful but can get very complicated, busy, depressing, confusing, frustrating etc and we can't solve all the problems of our friends not to talk of those of strangers but how about you do what you can? Speak softly, compliment when there is something to compliment, give corrections with love, scold firmly but with love, share knowledge, be polite, get rid of aggression and bitterness - there's just too much of that in the world already. 
Most times these little things don't take anything from us, I mean none of these will inconvenience us in any way but some of us are programmed to think anything remotely done for others is just too much stress. A colleague of mine once told me of a former school mate who hated helping others do anything to the point that he was once asked to permit them add an egg to his in a pot he was about to boil and he already started fighting against it till they made him realize it will take nothing from him as it was the same time it will require for both eggs to boil. It's a mentality issue for many like this and we just need to reset our minds to let off all the tension we carry that cause unnecessary aggression and begin to live in peace, love and unity and begin to treat people with respect. 

The little things count in making the world a better place, the world starts with you. You would find that as you begin to smile more, compliment more, treat people with respect more, you start to feel better about yourself and you start to attract positive vibes as well. Your life will have less frustrating points and more peaceful moments and even when the struggle periods come, you won't be so heavy with anger and frustration, you will be lighter and have more clarity to think through the situation to find a lasting solution to the problem. Many people are wary of accepting help; I am one of them. this happens for various reasons but honestly as you go on in life you will realize even more that we as humans need one another, you just need to know the right people to let in and accept assistance from and when you are the helper, to save yourself some heartache, do not render help with expectation. 

Let's try to begin this week on a very positive note shall we? Let the little things break doors for you! Lots of love now and always. As always, please share your thoughts with us at the comment section. Till next time, be good and be love. 

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