Sunday 4 September 2016

"Pray for Me"

Hey everyone! How have you all been? Can you believe it's September already. Wow! Time really does fly, doesn't it? I hope you all have achieved some of your set goals for the year and if you haven't, don't stress it too much. Just do what you can with the time left. I am way behind schedule on my goals and this doesn't even sound like news anymore but I am so glad that things are beginning to pick up again. There are still a lot of things to process and clarify but at least we are making progress and that makes me happy. So to our topic - Pray for Me, follow me...

Over the past months, I have been through a tide of emotions; I've been happy, sad, excited, almost depressed, confused, anxious - I think I've had the most panic attacks this year in my entire life. This is normal right? Yeah, I think as one grows older, you're faced with more responsibilities and challenges that sometimes feel so draining. In those times when I was down, I found myself asking close friends and family to "Pray for Me". I usually just say this when I feel overwhelmed and don't know what else to say or do or feel too weak to analyse the situation further. Many times, I don't really believe that these people will pray for me. Yes, I know they love me and wish me the best but maybe because I tend to forget to pray personal prayers for people, I naturally assume everyone is like me. 

Not until lately, I almost immediately forget that I was asked to pray for someone and then I feel bad the next time I see them. However, growing up has opened my eyes to see the great need to pray more for my friends and family and for the world at large. I have been through personal struggles when I really felt like I couldn't do it all on my own, that my prayers weren't enough. At some points, I felt too heavy to even pray. Thank God my God is merciful and thank God for my mother and few others who actually remember to pray for me. I have gone through struggles I couldn't share with any human, and then feel too disheveled to even know what to pray for. This made me think of others, my friends and family who may be going through so much but can't share with anyone for whatever reasons. Now, I really do pray for my loved ones who tell me of unpleasant situations they go through. Other not so close people who ask me to pray for them, I say an immediate prayer for them and more if I remember later. 

The purpose of this post is to awaken others who were like me to take the request "Pray for Me" more seriously. I want us to consciously think about others at least a little more. If we can't really help their situations by our "active actions", like giving money or healing them or hiring them (whatever their trouble is) why can't we do the stress free act of helping by praying for them?  I know we have our busy lives and our problems at home, work, relationships e.t.c, but praying for someone really doesn't take anything from you. Checking on their progress also isn't too  much to ask.  I could only vouch for about 2/3 people to always pray for me but after this I want to hope I'll have a host of earthly angels around praying for me. If you don't know what to pray for, pray for Peace, Love and Joy. I will be extending my prayers further as well. You may think it does nothing or makes no difference but I'm not about to start coercing you into believing how powerful my God is or educate you on the power of prayers. I just ask that if you cannot pray, at least send positive thoughts out. Let's try to be better people and watch  your life glow with so much peace and light. 

Sending lots of love your way. Till next time, stay happy. Please don't be a stranger, share your thoughts at the comment section. 


  1. I concur @steph,God bless you is alot of prayer in one already. We Really should spread d love

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    2. Very true @ Joy. God help us do so. Thank you so much for stopping by. Lots of love *hugs n kisses*

  2. Praying for others is an act I think a lot of people would like to partake in, unfortunately we often get overwhelmed by our own issues, that even remembering to pray for others becomes a chore. It usually helps when the person being prayed for is a loved one, because then the prayers for such a person just flow along with ours, and sometimes such people may take priority over us and our own requests. It also helps to realise that in the bigger picture "When it is well with my sister, it is well with me." In the end we also pray for ourselves when we pray for others.



Some of us have learned how dangerous emotions can be, if you let them control you. Emotions could put you to shame but even more dis...