Wednesday 6 August 2014

Eat Right!

Showlams fruits and vegetables stand  

Hey guys! What's up? I hope everyone is well and the hustle is promising. Remember how I said I'll be sharing health tips? Yes, so, today, I thought I should start from a general point-Eating right! Yes, you may say you eat okay and blah blah but honestly many of us do not eat right and for those who do, serious kudos to you. I find it really difficult to maintain a healthy diet so I try to at the very least, manage the basics. So, what do I consider the basics?

Many of you may already know this but honestly, give it a try and you'd notice how much better your body feels and acts even. Okay, so back to eating right, I'm starting simple here so it's an easy enough transition for you. Start drinking water regularly, eating more fruits and vegetables and avoid eating late night snacks( this last part I'm so guilty of).

Drinking water: First, let's skip through the benefits of drinking water-It aids in digestion, helps prevent headaches and migraines, improves the look and feel of the skin, helps in flushing out toxins, boosts immune system and increases energy level.  They also say it fills your stomach and makes you less hungry, but this is not the case with me but remember our bodies are different, it works for my sister( topic for another day). So how should we drink water? Note that as our bodies differ, it is safe to say that our intake should differ. I know the 8 glasses a day rule and the 3 litres  a day rule. Honestly, I wonder who really sits to calculate these things and what size of glasses? Heaven knows I don't have time/power for such. So if you're like me, you can do it the easy way, try and drink water when you can, as long as there's space and you remember, just drink. I am one of those people who find it hard to drink water. I can go a day drinking half a bottle (small bottle) of water and think I'm fine. No wonder headaches refuse to leave you, my father would say, so I had to adjust. I have been on the advise to drink water first thing in the morning and I must say my headaches are less frequent and less intense, they are most importantly now self healing (is that the term?). I used to practically live on pills, but these days, I can trust that if I lay low for a while, the headache will clear itself. I have God to thank for this and His beautiful gift-water! Well, the best way to know if  you're drinking enough water is by checking your urine. If you're drinking enough water, your urine should be clear or pale yellow and if it's deep yellow, you need more water darling. 

Avoid Eating Late Night Snacks: Like I mentioned earlier, I'm so guilty of this. I would be avoiding this if I was an early to bed kind of person, unfortunately, it's not in my genes. Eating late night snacks is discouraged because your body at such hours is usually resting and not ready to do any hard work of digesting food. So what happens? You either have a stomach ache or uncomfortable feeling when going to bed or you get used to it and start gathering fats around your stomach region. YOU DO NOT WANT THAT. If you're staying up late and feel like you need to nibble on something, instead of taking a cupcake or a bar of chocolate, take a carrot, a cucumber, or a banana-just something healthy and easy to digest. Sounds boring but you could get used to it. Today, I did a cucumber and I'm fighting the urge to go take a soda. For you, I shall overcome! (you see how good you make me :D)

Eating more fruits and vegetables: Eating fruits and vegetables just makes your body happy. I was told that most of our drugs contain fruits and fibres, herbs of some sort. You see, if we just jolly in the abundance of fruits available to us, we'll avoid many of the sicknesses that attack us. Our immune system will be super and our body will work well, our skin will look beautiful and you'll just feel great. Of course, some of us react to some fruits, so please, note what you're allergic to and avoid it. I am again, not one to consider a fruit fan but when I came to stay with my brother for sometime, I noticed that his wife made it a tradition to have fruits almost every day. At first, I was reluctant to join in the ritual but as she convinced me of how much good I'll be doing my body, I started to try it and I must say, I was loving it. I started to enjoy salads too-not coleslaw oh; I hate cabbage, salads with lettuce, tomatoes, eggs, carrots, baked beans, sweet corn, sardine or chunks of chicken, more orishirishi and dressing-in my case, spiced olive oil. It's delicious! More, it keeps you healthy, builds your immune system and makes you feel and look fresh! These things are easy to get around, so many fruits to try, so many vegetables to explore. Get them, find out how they are eaten, what they do for you and live long and healthy. I'll be researching on the benefits of various fruits and veggies to share with us from time to time too. 

If you're in Lagos, there's this amazing fruits and veggies stand-Showlam's Stand, at Shrinkers Hub, 3 Abiola Segun Ajayi off Etim Iyang, Victoria Island. They have really exotic fruits and vegetables and can help educate you on the benefits of what you're having or even give you fruits/veggies remedies for health troubles you may be having. They also take orders and deliver to you. You should check them out. That's their stand up there, by the way.
Wherever you are, there must be fruit stands around, even if it's the usual pineapples and watermelons, they also are very good. Let's start eating right and staying healthy, okay. The atmosphere  is toxic enough, we should find a way to detoxify our insides with these...
Showlams fruits and vegetables stand

Lots of love! If you have more tips to share or a fruit/veggies or water plan you have tried that worked wonders for you, please share with us below.

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