Friday 14 March 2014

A Little Madness Keeps You Sane

picture from

Hey peeps, whats up? Hope you've been great.

Let's explore the topic above, ok? Yes, you read right! A little madness keeps you sane. I'm sure many of you know this already. Well, I just thought I should visit the topic and hear/read your views. 
I grew up hearing that every normal human has to have a minimum of five minutes madness daily to stay "normal". Now, normal is a relative term, yap; what is normal for you may not be normal for me. Family upbringing, cultural backgrounds, education, experience, etc.are responsible for what constitutes as normal to various individuals. So what keeps you normal? Do you have one thing you must do everyday to stay sane or do you have random mad outlets daily? I think I belong to the latter. 

In our world today, with everyone hustling and trying to make it big, it is very important to just unwind a little; scream if you need to, dance in the middle of the street, just start running towards the rain(this is fun, trust me), walk in circles, hop, slap yourself (not too much oh), sing off tune just made up lyrics, whatever, you know. Just let loose and live long! It's very healthy, very needed, very fun too ;).  Your brain and body can only take so much, don't push it and risk total insanity. You've heard of them Math or Science professors going insane haven't you? It does happen. Always take a break from your busy schedule to be a little "unserious". The richest people still crack jokes and laugh you know? There was never a rule to success that says don't play or don't laugh or don't be happy! Live a little people.

I've seen and heard of people seriously, annoyingly misbehaving in the name of "five minutes madness", #side eye to that. Humans can just be very dramatic, honestly. That's a topic for another day sha. My point is, yes, some people do stupid things and blame it on the scientists that exposed the "five minutes madness" theory, as a cover up. You know the same way girls use the whole PMS thing, hormones, hormones bla bla bla (PMS is real, it is just sometimes used as cover up for #BS), . I can't offer a solution to this, because people will always be people. However, if we ourselves try not to be this way, we could reduce the number of people that act this way, yes, because sometimes you do it and realize just after it's done. Some people are so good you can't even tell when it's an act. 

What am I saying? Don't feel odd doing something silly everyday. Don't be too uptight about work and life. Cut some people some slack when you see them just scream or do something really weird, especially when they think they are alone. Be happy; Laugh- it's good for the heart and keeps you young, love- this sure makes us insane from time to time, live-what other option have you got? Lots of love darlings...

Your turn, tell us some of the crazy things you've found yourself doing in the past. 

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