Monday 20 October 2014

Get Spicy with Garlic

picture from

Hey guys, how are you doing? I apologize for my recent silence here, I've been away for a while. I traveled and have been all over the place (sort of), since my return. A lot of things have come up but hopefully I'll sort them out soon.

Let's talk about a delicious healthy herb today; garlic. The first thing that comes to mind for most people when the word garlic is heard or read is the distinctive smell. I once told you that my mum considers any meal without garlic and ginger as bland, well, guess what, she can manage living without the ginger but she must have her garlic. I personally love garlic in food albeit in small quantity, I know how much it ruins our breath but sometimes we just choose to live life and live healthy right and honestly if I'm going to be eating in my home, I can't avoid it. When I was much younger, my mum used to mash garlic and mix it up with honey as treatment for respiratory discomfort. She graduated from that to chewing raw garlic and today, garlic is added to practically all our meals. My mum is in her early sixties and I must say, she's pretty strong and healthy. I have to attribute her good health to her food choices (she's a lover of fruits, vegetables and nice herbs) and of course God's Grace. Many people know that garlic has many health benefits because they have heard it too many times, but what are these benefits? Is garlic overrated or should everyone hop on the train and start consuming garlic daily? Let's find out, shall we?

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Helps fight cold and flu and helps treat asthma
  • Helps to reduce high blood pressure
  • Helps to balance cholesterol level
  • Helps prevent heart diseases
  • Helps to prevent many cancers (colon, breast, stomach cancer etc)
  • Helps treat fungal infections
  • Helps treat impotency
  • Helps treat fungal and bacterial vaginal infections
  • Helps balance out  mood swings
  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Helps treat skin diseases
  • Helps treat tooth aches and ear aches
The list may go on and on but isn't this enough to make you want to add even just a little of this marvelous herb into your recipes? 

Like I sing all the time, everything should be done in moderation, the consumption of garlic regardless of its health benefits is not an exception. Garlic is known to be a blood thinner and so should be avoided when consuming other blood thinners e.g aspirin. Garlic causes bad breath, body odor, heartburn, nausea etc. Chewing parsley is said to ease the bad breath garlic brings. Remember, always let your doctor/nutritionist in on your diet especially when you have a medical ailment or new reactions from added recipes to your diet.

You should know that garlic comes in processed packages as oil and powder and could be easily added to your meals. You could add garlic oil as dressing on your salad or use to fry all the "fryables". You could add the powder and raw garlic to your meals as you cook. Garlic is most effective in it's natural form but remember to take it in moderation.

Are you a lover or hater of garlic? Do you have a special way of adding this wonderful herb to your diet? Please be a darling and share with us. 


  1. Personally, I love garlic because of its health benefits, but I worry about the bad breath and b/o that comes with it. So I hardly take it, especially it in its raw (best) form .

    1. You could add just a little to your meals, that may only affect your breath and you can use the parsley trick to get rid of the bad breath. Its benefits surpass the side effects if you ask me :).

  2. Oh my love for garlic! For me it just gives your food that "kick". Like an extra ooomph! And I dare say it's because of the smell...yes that smell people seem to hate, I particularly enjoy. And when combined with spicy ingredients the whole mix comes together beautifully. And yeah, let's not forget the health benefits too :)

    1. Lol, oh wow! There are few of your kind. I don't particularly like the smell but I have to agree it gives the taste of food that kick and sometimes it's so worth the smell. Thanks so much for stopping by, please do come by more often.



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