Tuesday 17 January 2017

Loving an Insecure Person

photo credit: myimagequotes.com

Hey guys! How’s it going at your end? Trust that you’re doing the best you can. Hang in there, it’ll all be great in the end.
I had planned a different topic to share with you today but this just popped into my head for some reason, and I really don’t know what brought it up. As I like to go with my heart sometimes, let’s talk about this then, shall we?

Saturday 7 January 2017

Did You Know About Diastasis Recti?

Photo credit : http://www.healthyliving.plus/

Hey guys, how are we all doing? I hope your energy is still very high and you're channeling it into the right things, people and places.
Today, we'll be talking about a health issue I recently learned about. I'm still wowed at the fact that I'm just learning about it. I mean, this is something I feel I should have known especially as it affects pregnant women a lot. Pregnant women/pregnancy is "my thing". At some point in my life, I wanted to be a gynecologist, that didn't work out, thankfully, but still, I like to know all I can about it and I keep learning from the blessed ones around me. To think that no doctor has mentioned this to any of my close mothers, (and please note that I have a lot of babies so many mothers, new and old and relatively old) is quite disappointing. Let's not dwell on that too much, let's go straight into the education for the day, shall we? Let's learn about DIASTASIS RECTI.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Happy 2017 folks!

Happy 2017 my darlings! May you be truly blessed with happiness that lasts all year round and beyond! How are your vibes for the year, feeling anything yet? Many as always have been super excited that the year 2016 is over, I mean so many people complained about how tough the year was. I agree it was tough but I must confess it was better (not financially) than my 2015, so that's progress I'm thankful for. As those are hopeful, some are just waiting to see what the year brings and others are simply going on with life as always, you know the "last year and this year is just a day apart so it's just another week, just another year, no big deal" group of people. I'm curious, where do you belong?For me, I'm a mix of all three I guess but it is a big deal, seeing every new day IS a big deal I'll daily be grateful for.


Some of us have learned how dangerous emotions can be, if you let them control you. Emotions could put you to shame but even more dis...