Saturday 14 June 2014

Does Your Job Define You?

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Hi guys, today I want to ask you two main questions, ok, three actually; 1. How are you darlings? Hope you’re great. 2. Does your job define you? 3. Is it a good or a bad thing if it does?

Are you one of those people who find yourself needing to always mention that you are a doctor, lawyer, teacher, farmer, banker… within two seconds of a conversation? Do you feel it is necessary in validating who you are to the person and or to yourself? Let’s take it in different perspectives; say, you do absolutely love your job; it’s all you've ever dreamed of becoming and can’t think of doing or succeeding in anything else. You are at peace with this job and the only change in your career would be advancement or relocation, not an actual change in job per say. In this case, I can honestly expect that, who you are would definitely be linked with your job, because truthfully, it is part of who you are and not just what you do-even though you should have a life outside your work.  Now, second scene; say you are a “successful” banker/doctor or whatever, you are great at your job and get good pay and nonmaterial incentives as well but you absolutely hate your job for reasons best known to you. Would you still spurt out your job within 2 seconds of a discussion? If you do, would it be because you don’t find anything else interesting about yourself or you think that’s the information the person would like to know or you feel that gives you “points” in the person’s mental judgment book? 

Thursday 5 June 2014

Painful Truths

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Hi guys, hope you're all great. So, yes, my thoughts are somewhat disheveled. This is the only means I feel I can vent semi coherently. I have been ranting in my head for a while now and pushing the logical thoughts to put this down. Well, I’m here now, so let’s try figure this out together, shall we? Let's talk about Painful Truths...

Monday 2 June 2014

Rambling on Suicide

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Hey guys, how are you doing? So I read some days back, a week or so, anyway, about a young girl who committed suicide after being cyber bullied. I decided to talk about it a little today. I got really pissed because to me, her reason was not valid at all. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe there is any reason for one to commit suicide but as people do, sometimes when you hear what they've been through, you feel like you could relate with the situation they were in. 


Some of us have learned how dangerous emotions can be, if you let them control you. Emotions could put you to shame but even more dis...